culture: Bacon24729 age: 14 DIV temperature: RT ROI: 02 encompasses center electrodes (basically same as ROI-01 except now I'm doing long recordings and I've made me z close to cell layer) LED level: 25 (white, through Cy3 filter) exposure: 50ms x-position: 0.38733 y-position: 1.00710 z-position: 75um imaging notes: 1 --------------------- exposure: 50 ms num_frames: 8000 (note: LED will be on for exactly 5min, so even if this is too many frames, we'll know when 10min ends; also light-off time can give us a sense of camera black level) total time: 661.3498 s corresponding MCD file: fluorescence went down at 601.9904s, frame 7280 so let's do 7500 frames in subsequent 10min recordings w/ TTX tried to go back to same position, this is how close i got... y-position: 1.00710 z-position: 75um imaging notes: 2 --------------------- exposure: 50 ms num_frames: 7500 total time: 653.4714 s corresponding MCD file: fluorescence went down at 595.8776s, frame 6836 NOTE: accidentally did this as timed recording instead of triggered. can still get info from when light turns on though (this goes for ROI-4 in ttx also) got to the same as starting position: x-position: 0.38733 y-position: 1.00710 z-position: 75um imaging notes: 3 --------------------- ERROR PARTWAY THROUGH! imaging notes: 4 --------------------- exposure: 50 ms num_frames: 7500 total time: 650.7525 s corresponding MCD file: fluorescence went down at 601.2369s, frame 6929 accidentally did a timed recording again. doh!