culture: Bacon24729 age: 14 DIV temperature: RT ROI: 04 encompasses electrode 62, 72, 63, 73 LED level: 25 (white, through Cy3 filter) exposure: 50ms x-position: 0.83582 y-position: 1.42122 z-position: 75um imaging notes: 1 --------------------- exposure: 50 ms num_frames: 7500 total time: 650.7691 s corresponding MCD file: fluorescence stops at 601.4098s, frame 6931 *****ADDED 1uM TTX AT 6:20***** imaging notes: 2 --------------------- DRUG: 1uM TTX exposure: 50 ms num_frames: 7500 total time: 650.8755 s corresponding MCD file: fluorescence stops at 598.5786, frame 6897 NOTE: accidentally did this as timed recording instead of triggered. can still get info from when light turns on though I GOT IT BACK TO THE EXACT SAME SPOT FOR TTX+CTZ. WOO HOO! imaging notes: 3 --------------------- DRUG: 1uM TTX exposure: 50 ms num_frames: 7500 total time: 619.247s corresponding MCD file: fluorescence stops at 601.122, frame 7280