NeuroRighter Matlab Files (Version 4. For NeuroRighter v1.1.0.0 and up) There are four matlab functions that can load NeuroRighter's binary data files into matlab structs: 1) loadraw*: loads raw or LFP files( *.raw, *.salpa, *.spkflt, or *.aux) 2) loadspike: loads spk waveform data( *.spk, *.rawspk, *.salpaspk) 3) loadstim: loads stimulation data (*.stim) 4) loaddig: loads digital recordings (*.dig) For usage of each function, type “help [function name]” at the Matlab command prompt. For example, “help loadraw”. *To use loadraw.m:loadraw is a MEX function, written in C, and compiled to work from within Matlab. If it does not not work when initially installing NeuroRighter, type “mex [function file name]” at the Matlab command prompt, where [function file name] is the *.c file for the desired function. For example, “mex loadraw.c”. This should produce a working function. If you are having issues with this process, please see this this webpage and then email the user's list if you still cannot figure it out. >> 2012.10.31: notes on version 4 - The big change in this version of the matlab loading files is that an error concerning the sampling rate has been fixed. Before this version of the Matlab Functions, all sampling rates in NeuroRighter were being rounded to a natural number. This could cause issues for very long recordings because the true sampling rate is some multiple of NI card's master clock, which could result in a fracion. Therefore, sampling rates are now doubles. However, this means that the new versions of the scripts are incompatible with old data containing the integer sampling rate. Deprecated scripts (versions 2 and 3) are included in the 'Deprecated' folder and can be used to look at older data. This document was created by John Rolston ( on Jan. 29, 2009. It was last modified on Oct. 31, 2012 by Jon Newman (jnewman6 gatech edu).